А когда оно сделано и есть ли еще фото казахских МиГ-23/27?
Фото сделано пару месяцев назад, перед учениями..
Фоток по Казахстанским МиГ-27 много у уважаемого Антохи и Пилота, уверен небезизвестных сдесь участников,
сдесь фотки МиГ-27 задействованные в совместных учениях, снятых Пилотом http://pilot.strizhi.info/photos/v/C...tle/?g2_page=8
А сдесь можете в общем посмотреть фотоподборку о ВВС Казахстана, где кроме всего есть фотки выложенные мной и Антохой МиГ-27-х. http://www.strizhi.ru/cgi-bin/yabb/Y...1240642268/0#0
Еще фотка навскидку
Фото сделано пару месяцев назад, перед учениями..
Фоток по Казахстанским МиГ-27 много у уважаемого Антохи и Пилота, уверен небезизвестных сдесь участников,
сдесь фотки МиГ-27 задействованные в совместных учениях, снятых Пилотом http://pilot.strizhi.info/photos/v/C...tle/?g2_page=8
А сдесь можете в общем посмотреть фотоподборку о ВВС Казахстана, где кроме всего есть фотки выложенные мной и Антохой МиГ-27-х. http://www.strizhi.ru/cgi-bin/yabb/Y...1240642268/0#0
Фотки Пилота я видел, конечно же, а за вторую ссылку спасибо -- в ту ветку на "Стрижах" я уже давненько не заглядывал -- напомнили мне о ней...
Ирак обнаружил свои МиГ-23 и МиГ-21 в Сербии в целости и сохранности:
"...The Defense Ministry revealed Sunday that it had recently learned that Iraq owns 19 MIG-21 and MIG-23 jet fighters, which are in storage in Serbia. Ministry officials are negotiating with the Serbs to restore and return the aircraft.
During that visit, Serbian defense officials told the Iraqis that Mr. Hussein had sent 19 fighter jets to Serbia for repairs in the late 1980s, during the Iran-Iraq war, but was unable to bring them back after sanctions were imposed on his country...".
"...The Defense Ministry revealed Sunday that it had recently learned that Iraq owns 19 MIG-21 and MIG-23 jet fighters, which are in storage in Serbia. ]
Yes that is true(thank to serbian defence minister )- we will return those planes to Irak.Off course nobody want to return our planes(Ukraina today has one our Ka-25PL,Austria MiG-21R ... ) and of course Irak will never pay its debt(2.4 bilion USD)to us..even worse they never paid that overhaul of these planes..only smaller part.
34 irak migs (25 MiG-21bis+ 9 MiG-23ML ) came in 1989. and 1990. to Yugoslav owerhaul plant Zmaj (Velika Gorica,near Zagreb) after overhaul(it is interesting that our army never operated MiG-23 and overhaul plant did not have licence for that type)some planes were delivered to irak
After starting war in Irak it was impossible to deliver the rest of these planes
to Irak.When war started in Yugoslavia,Yugoslav army transfered those planes to overhaul plant Moma Stanojlovic on Bataynica AB (near Belgrade).
The only overhauled MiG-23 recived yugoslav AF markings and was sent to Yugoslav Aviation Museum ,while other MiG-23s were dismantled into containers.
Iraky MiG-21bis had different destiny ,overhauled planes recived YAF markings and some of them(3-4) used durring war.Durring NATO agression in 1999. aircraft were not usable but its radars were used to imitate air defence radars.
All aircraft surrvived war(8 MiG-23 , 10 MiG-21-18 not 19 as far i know)..they will probably never fly again (some MiG-21 are without engines,radars,even nosecone..
It is more posible that some collector form western Europe and USA will recive them for free:( http://russianwings.org/forum/viewto...&sd=a&start=10
Последний раз редактировалось Sveto; 02.09.2009 в 11:08.