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Тема: f-22

  1. #1

    По умолчанию f-22


    Technical Support

    For F-22 aircraft technical support, contact our technical support center at (866) 727-8671, or by e-mail at f22.helpdesk@lmco.com.

    Lockheed Boulevard
    Fort Worth, TX 76108
    (817) 777-2000

    Media and Press Inquiries: (678) 662-3128
    Business Development: (770) 793-0821

  2. #2
    Старожил Форумчанин
    Ближнее Подмосковье

    По умолчанию

    :lol: Это, на мой взгляд, классная шутка. Непременно позвоню... Или шурину поручу, если коленвал застучит :lol:

  3. #3

    По умолчанию

    Dear Sir

    From experience of the author ,LMT,RTN & answered public information
    /russian Fazatron,MIG & answered also /

    Possible with e-mail request.

    That would possible better as use speculation from the press .

    Your respectfully

  4. #4

    По умолчанию

    Холостяк wrote some time before

    F-22 Radar

    ....По радару посмотрел еще ссылки. Я сомневаюсь, что как тут указывали радар Ф-22 за 300 км бьет. Если есть электронщики среди собеседников, я не говорю про инженеров бортового. Чтобы такую частоту разогнать, до дальности такой, надо этот радар жидким азотом охлаждать обязательно… И весить он будет ого-го. Ведь сравним, к примеру, . со стационарными радарами. Они имеют размер порядочный и массу, но «бьют» меньше по дальности. И это не из-за того, что у нас все на «лампах». Так что теоретически даже не реально у Ф-22 300-ка на борту.

    1. Description of Radar of F-22 Ant,PA & was public from developer
    in 90's in IEEE Prcd Signal Processing .

    It is multiple GaAS MMIC Power Amp.

    You can order IEEE in GPNTB Moscow ...

    2. One of company ,which manufactured GaAS


    MMIC for F-22 is not black/Top secret/ programm .

    Black programm are (as example) MMIC and customized processor
    for Milstar,Milstar-2 and different CIA Satellite's

    Modern material as IndP ,SiGE & also as GaAS are present in Russia

    Your respectfully milstar

  5. #5
    Новичок Форумчанин

    По умолчанию Gallium nitride for high power phased array radar

    TriQuint Semiconductor, Lockheed Martin Announce Advanced Process Gallium Nitride With Improved Power, Efficiency, Stability

    RICHARDSON, Texas, Dec. 1 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- TriQuint Semiconductor
    (Nasdaq: TQNT) and Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) today announced breakthrough
    results for power density, power added efficiency and radio frequency (RF)
    lifetime for gallium nitride High Electron Mobility Transistor (HEMT) devices.
    Achieving breakthrough performance and improved reliability is an important
    step in significant size and weight reductions for radar-based defense
    Gallium nitride HEMT devices provide higher power density and efficiency
    required for high power phased array radar, electronic warfare, missile seeker
    and communications systems.
    "Gallium nitride's more than five-times improvement in power density
    compared to gallium arsenide devices makes it ideal for high power radar and
    communications applications," said Dr. Gailon Brehm, TriQuint's military
    business unit manager. "Gallium nitride has capabilities from L-band up to
    W-band, making it a very exciting technology for the future of millimeter and
    microwave applications."
    The device's increased power density can be the basis for simplifying
    radar power distribution in large systems and can greatly reduce operational
    electrical current. This advancement can lead to significant weight and size
    reductions in shipboard systems and land-based applications.
    TriQuint's new proprietary process increases gallium nitride HEMT power
    density 50 percent beyond that of more conventional E-beam T-gate devices. In
    addition, power added efficiency is 10 to 15 points higher, which allows these
    devices to function with reduced power dissipation and lower operating
    Improved RF lifetime has been demonstrated with this advanced high voltage
    gate structure as well. The reduced gate leakage and lower electric field in
    the drain region contribute to the improved RF device lifetime.
    "At Lockheed Martin, we have a passion for invention," said Dr. Mahesh
    Kumar, director of Research and Technology for Lockheed Martin Maritime
    Systems and Sensors' business in Moorestown, NJ. "Gallium Nitride will
    redefine what is possible by providing our customers the reliable, compact,
    high-powered technology they need to field solid-state phased array radar,
    space systems and missiles to protect against emerging threats."
    TriQuint has worked with gallium nitride since 1999 under the sponsorship
    of Lockheed Martin. Partners also include General Electric Global Research
    Center, the University of South Carolina, ATMI, Emcore and Sandia National

    TriQuint Semiconductor, Inc. (Nasdaq: TQNT) is a leading supplier of high
    performance products for communications applications. The company focuses on
    the specialized expertise, materials and know-how for RF/IF and optical
    applications. The company enjoys diversity in its markets, applications,
    products, technology and customer base. Markets include wireless phones, base
    stations, optical networks, broadband and microwave equipment, and aerospace
    and defense. TriQuint provides customers with standard and custom product
    solutions as well as foundry services.
    TriQuint is headquartered at 2300 NE Brookwood Parkway, Hillsboro, OR
    97124 and can be reached at 503/615-9000 (fax 503/615-8900). Visit the
    TriQuint web site at http://www.triquint.com.

  6. #6
    Новичок Форумчанин

    По умолчанию

    Холостяк wrote some time before -

    ...ну хоть что-нибудь напишите из СВОИХ МЫСЛЕЙ по вопросу форума!

    Please contact

    1. Vice Fazatron -Gus'kov

    2. http://www.niip.ru/
    Генеральный директор - Белый Юрий Иванович.

    Тел.: +7(495) 556-23-48
    Факс: +7(495) 721-37-85, +7(495) 721-35-59
    E-mail: niip@niip.ru

    You would receive competent opinion

    Your respectfully milstar

  7. #7
    Старожил Форумчанин
    Ближнее Подмосковье

    По умолчанию

    Берегись Святослав, после пред-последнего поста, заберуть тебя (прямо принудительно - забреют) работать в нашу разведку... И оттудова - с Лубянки уже тебе не вылезти никак - это надо ж такое надыбать. Возможно сейчас к тебе уже собираются 2 мрачноватых джентельмена в длинных черных кожанных пальто (я таких вблизи видел - они явно косили под Феликса Эдмундыча)... (какой тут смех, аж дрожь пробирает).

  8. #8
    Новичок Форумчанин

    По умолчанию

    deleted from author

  9. #9
    Старожил Форумчанин
    Ближнее Подмосковье

    По умолчанию

    Нет ну этот ваш фото материалец - вообще отпад, ваша планида явно направлена в том направлении...
    Нет, ну какой имидж, какой персонаж, закачаешся от одного вида, хорошо бы это фото прямо здесь выложить! А орденов-то - как у Ильичей...! А он в черной коже не хуже смотрится. Нет, ну взгляд, а - один чего стоит, майора пронина там не стояло, Шварценнегер с Вам Даммом сразу под лавку спрячутся и запищат:"невиноватые мы - он сам пришёл!"

  10. #10

    По умолчанию

    deleted from author

  11. #11
    Старожил Форумчанин
    Ближнее Подмосковье

    По умолчанию

    Во страху-то нагнал - аж самому по русски писать страшно, ты кончай это... - он раз многолетний резидент, то из этого аглицкого не всё ещё забыл - сам прочесть наверное сможет - секретарше не покажет :D
    Я их не боюсь, поскольку сам видел, когда они боятся, и после этого уважение к ним у меня пропало сразу и навсегда.... Так что далее - давай юморить, если тебе по делу твоей длинной цитаты чего надо - то скажи, я если никто раньше не удовлетворит с ответом, в среду постараюсь ответить - по теме - тебе или холосяку - один адрес в тему я знаю,,, только боюсь и там вас только расстроят - вы наверно, представялете в каком положении наука, даже московская - все эи охи путинско-медведевские про подъем зарплаты - на сегодняшний день - чистаяч БРЕХНЯ - я тебе могу назвать позавчерашние сведения - сколько получает ст.нучный сотрудник ИАЭ Курчатова, пожилой, молодые не больше, те которые не в бизнесе, столько же - и молодой единственный сотрудник связанного с нами исторического Питерского ФТИ им. ИОФФЕ, это где Алфёров сейчас командует. У тебя глаза круглыми станут - как они не поумирали ещё - как-то крутятся... А до этих - в кожаных пальто - им-то это всё фиолетово - они в в эту систему любимых губернаторов из Челси и загран. хозяев металлургии Дерипасок, как и друзей русского народа Чубайсов - встроились вполне - они НЕ БЕДСТВУЮТ, ОНИ ВСЕМ ДОВОЛЬНЫ, ОНИ ЭТУ СИСТЕМУ ОХРАНЯЮТ - ВСЕ ВОПРОСЫ - К НИМ.
    Сергей Мизин

  12. #12
    Новичок Форумчанин

    По умолчанию

    deleted from author

  13. #13
    Старожил Форумчанин
    Ближнее Подмосковье

    По умолчанию

    Не знаю, кто там тебе ответил из Курчатова, но знаю точно, что "Почётный президент Курчатова" Велихов действительно положил себе зарплату там больше 200 000 руб, хотя он давно НАУКОЙ не занимается, а сейчас конкретно - функционер Общественной Палаты при президенте РФ - заседает там и ещё в куче советов, но деньги эти - 200 000 получает именно там и ездит на Хаммере, и те кто в его обойме также не обижены - вот они то ездя к тебе за границу и напели про СВОЮ зарплату 60 000, которую только они и получают - она никак не соотвествует ставкам ИАЭ, рядовой старший научный сотр. там по-прежнему имеет 3500 оклад и каку-то мелкую добавку - Велихов вывел ИАЭ из Атомпрома и он теперь в в МинНауки - там, в ИАЭ на эту шоблу крайне злы - ну ещё бы - разница в 50 раз - а чего стесняться.
    Около 4 000 руб. получает наиболее перспективный мол. сотрудник в Пит . ФТИ, о включении кот. в международный проект и направлении к нам на стажировку договаривались аж 2 академика - больше нет никого, и скоро он уедет за границу. Вот потому-то ни ты, ни холостяк не можете ни от кого услышать вразумительного ответа на заданную конкретную тему.
    Кроме некоторых чисто военно-сборочных заводов, где недавно начали платить какие-то деньги в основном - рабочим - порядка 20 000руб - это только воено-сборочные заводы - и работяги, кот. не спились, знаю только один Научный Институт, где зарплаты обычных НС соотвествют названному тобой со слов Велиховских подлипал, это Саровский Институт Технической Физики, бывший Арзамас-16, центр атомно-водородного оружия.
    Ты спросил, я - ответил, ответил и почему никакой реакции, чуть в сторону от атомных боеголовок.

  14. #14

    По умолчанию

    deleted from author

  15. #15
    Форумчанин Форумчанин

    По умолчанию

    Цитата Сообщение от milstar
    ....По радару посмотрел еще ссылки. Я сомневаюсь, что как тут указывали радар Ф-22 за 300 км бьет. Так что теоретически даже не реально у Ф-22 300-ка на борту.

    РЛС Заслон-М, на истребителе Миг-31БМ имеет дальность обнаружения цели типа истребитель до 300 км.


    "Дальность обнаружения воздушных целей класса «истребитель» доведена до 320 км, а дальность их поражения - до 280 км. В ходе испытаний продемонстрирована возможность уничтожения самолетов противника в дальнем ракетном бою на дистанции порядка 280 км, что в настоящее время недоступно ни одному зарубежному истребителю."

    АФАР Ф-22 по истребителю, как говорят, имеет дальнсть до 400 км.

  16. #16

    По умолчанию

    Dear Sir

    You wrote -Дальность обнаружения воздушных целей класса «истребитель» доведена до 320 км, а дальность их поражения - до 280 км. В ходе испытаний продемонстрирована возможность уничтожения самолетов противника в дальнем ракетном бою на дистанции порядка 280 км, что в настоящее время недоступно ни одному зарубежному истребителю."

    Zaslon in comparsion with F-22 need more time for beam switching
    as F-22 Radar.

    Conzept of F-22 Active phase array multiple 100 MMIC GaAs PA
    is more advanced from different point's of view .

    Also author suspect ,that F-22 Radar complex have automatic target recognition system .

    This conzept is not new and can be realized from technology point of view in modern Russia ,but Mrs.Kudelina saved multiple Mlrd R
    from Military Budget and trasferred back .

    By Airshow in Moscow you can try disscuss technology matter with
    Phasatron and Gosniias

    Your respectfully milstar

  17. #17
    Старожил Ветеран Аватар для Холостяк
    Москва, Россия.

    По умолчанию

    Что, по новой началось!?

    Так про радар МиГ-31 почитайте...Совсем не 300... моща.. Опять данные разные..., как и источники... Нет в жизни правды!!!!

    MIG-31 Foxhound Interceptor

    Active: 306

    NAVY: MiG-31 "Foxhound", 30
    AF/AD: MiG-31 "Foxhound", 276, + ~100 in reserve

    MIG-31 306

    [crossreferences: Index of Russian Aircraft | Fighters ]

    Base Location Cmd D/F

    764 fighter rgt Bolshoe Savino (Perm') 5 AF Army (Volga Ural) VU

    750 pers., 34 Mig-31
    458 fighter rgt Kotlas, Savvatia 21 ad corps Len

    530 fighter rgt Sokolovka, Chuguevka 23 ad corps FE

    712 fighter rgt Kansk 41 ad div Sib

    350 fighter rgt Bratsk 26 ad div Sib

    Mig-31. possibly disbanded 2003.
    790 fighter rgt Khotilovo ? ad div Msk

    800 pers., 41 Mig-31. 2006: to be disbanded
    865 indep f rgt Elizovo (Petropavlovsk) Naval Aviation PAC

    Mig-31. transferred from AF.
    148 flight test center Savostleika (Murom) 4 combat trg center AF
    39 Su-27, Su-30, 8 Mig-31. 54 fighter rgt disbanded in 2005 to 3958 reserve base.

    W. (tons): 21,45- 41,153
    Speed (km/h): Max speed Mach 2.83 or 3000km/h (1,620kt), max speed at sea level 1500km/h (810kt) max cruising speed at altitude Mach 2.35, economical cruising speed Mach 0.85. Time to 32,800ft 7mm 54sec
    Dimensions (m): 13,5 x 22,7 x 6,2
    Alt. (m): 22'859
    Range (km): 2'600
    M./Engine: 2 Two 151 .9kN (34,170lb) with afterburning Aviadvigatel (now Solovyev) D-30F6 turbofans.
    Man./Crew: 2 Pilot
    and weapon systems operator in tandem
    Armament: GSh-6-23 23mm cannon. Four R-33 (M-9 ‘Amos’) long range AAMs carried under the fuselage. Four underwing hard-points (two earlier) can carry two R-40T (AA-6 ‘Acrid’) AAMs on inner pylons and four R-60 (AA-8 ‘Aphid’) AAMs on outboard pylons (carried two in tandem)
    Avionics: Comms: R-862 UHF, R-864 HF, P-591 voice warning system, SPU-9 intercom; SRO-2P IFF transmitter and SRZ-2P
    receiver; SO-69 transponder.
    Radar: NIIP N007 S-800 SBI-16 (RP-31) Zaslon or Zaslon-A
    electronically scanned phased-array fire-control radar (NATO `Flash Dance') in nose; search range of 108 n miles (200 km; 124 miles) in clutter-free forward sector; range in rear sector 48 n miles (90 km; 56 miles); capable of tracking 10 targets and attacking four simultaneously.
    Flight: A312 Radikal-NP or A-331 Shoran, A-723 Kvitok-2 Loran. Marshrut long-range and Tropik medium-range nav systems. ARK-19 radio compass, RV-15 radar altimeter, RPM-76 marker beacon receiver.
    Mission: In four-aircraft group interception mission, only lead MiG-31 is linked to AK-RLDN automatic guidance network on ground; other three MiG-31s have APD-518 digital datalink to lead aircraft, permitting line-abreast radar sweep of zone 430 to 485 n miles (800 to 900 km; 495 to 560 miles) wide by 140? sector scanning angles. Semi-retractable Type 8TP IR search/track sensor under cockpit; tactical situation display. BAN-75 command link; APD-518 digital air-to-air datalink; Raduga-Bort-MB5U15K air-to-ground tactical datalink; SPO-155L RHAWS; Argon-15 digital computer.
    [crossreferences: armament ]
    • AA-9 Amos / R-33
    • AA-8 APHID / R-60
    • Aircraft gun armament
    • AA-X-13 / R-37
    • KS-172 RVV-L
    • AS-11 Kilter / Kh-58E
    • D-30F6 ENGINE
    The MiG-31 Foxhound exhibited for the first time at the Paris 1991 Airshow entered production in 1979 and, with a speed of Mach 2.35, now assumes the title of the fastest production military aircraft in the world following the retirement of the Lockheed SR-71. Sitting on its large staggered twin-wheel main undercarriage, the 70 ft 6 in (21.5 m) long MiG-31 is a mighty machine.

    MiG-31E fighter-interceptor is designed for interception and destruction of aerial targets flying at altitudes of 50 to 28 000 m in front and rear hemispheres including those on ground clutter, under normal and adverse weather conditions, the target maneuvering and enemy deploying active and passive countermeasures.

    Aerial targets can be intercepted by a single MiG-31E aircraft or by a group of up to 4 MiG-31E aircraft. Interception can be performed with the aid of guidance by ground automated control system or autonomously with optimum target distribution among the members of the group.

    In a group of MiG-31E aircraft information exchange among aircraft of the group is possible about their position and availability of tracked targets. A group of 4 MiG-31E aircraft in formation flight can scan airspace on width of 900-1000 km that is especially important in case of the absence or destruction of the ground air-defence system.

    Data exchange between MiG-31E and a group of aircraft of other type in the interaction mode has been provided. The aircraft is equipped with IR seeker unit enabling to detect and acquire a target by its heat emission in the passive mode of a blind attack.

    During a combat mission a single MiG-31E aircraft can simultaneously track up to 10 targets and attack up to 4 of them having various headings, altitudes and speeds.

    MiG-31E is equipped with the automatic control system offering automatic control of aircraft flight on assigned route, aircraft homing on targets being attacked by guidance of the aircraft to the area providing optimum position of the interceptor relative to the target being attacked (according to maximum probability of their kill) in attack of several targets.

    Fitted with a Zaslon phased array radar, the Soviets surprised everyone by removing the nose cone for the world to see the antenna which is reportedly capable of tracking ten targets and attacking four simultaneously. The engines are Soloviev D-30F-6 two-shaft bypass turbojets, each with a reheat thrust of 152 kN. The Soviets made a surprising move, showing for the first time the AA-9 Amos long range AAM. In addition to these four underfuselage weapons, two AA-6 Acrid AAMs were also shown for the first time; this missile has not previously been generally associated with the MiG-31, the wing pylons normally carrying twin AA-8 Aphid short-range AAMs. Fixed armament was confirmed to be a single 23 mm six-barrel GSh-23 rotary cannon with 260 rounds in a bulged housing behind the starboard main undercarriage. The aircraft has a fully-loaded take-off weight of 90,388 lb (41,000 kg) and a ferry range of 1,839 miles (3,000 km).

    Zaslon Phased Array Radar The key to the MiG-31's effectiveness lies in its weapons system, which is probably the most effective ever fitted to a Soviet fighter aircraft. The heart of the system is the SBI-16 Zaslon radar, codenamed 'Flash Dance' by NATO. This is said to be the world's most powerful fighter radar, with a higher output in kilowatts than any other radar. When a MiG- 31 visited the 1991 Paris air salon, the radome was removed in the static aircraft park (much to everybody's surprise), revealing the radar's fixed, phased array antenna, believed to have been the first such antenna in a fighter. The radar's designers (the Research Institute of Equipment Design) describe such small phase array radars as 'Arrowhead' radars, this being a partial acronym (Arrays Of High Efficiency And Directivity) and claim a number of advantages. Since the antenna cannot move, the radar beam is 'pointed' electronically. The fixed antenna allows the full fuselage diameter to be used for the antenna, with no space for movement. This is significant since antenna diameter and effective operating range are directly related. The fixed antenna allows the radar beam to be steered faster and more accurately than with a conventional moving antenna and allows 'controlled beamshaping'. The radar designers also claim that fewer sidelobes are generated (and that such sidelobes as are generated can be better controlled). They also claim that reliability and radar gain can be maximized while minimizing weight complexity. Mikoyan claims that the antenna also allows rear hemisphere coverage, through 120 degrees on each side of the centerline. This is remarkable, since even with no rearward facing capability, the proximity of the radar emitters to the pilot would seem potentially hazardous. The only other operational phased array electronically steered antenna is that of the APQ-164 radar of the B-IB. Tired of accusations of copying Western technology, Soviet designers are eager to point out that their radar was in service two years before that of the B-IB. The radome of the MiG-31 at Paris was covered by thin muslin, which obscured some details. Waveguides were loot visible, but there did appear to be 24 horizontal rows of metallic emitters. Small dipoles spread across the face of the radome are probably for IFF or constant wave illumination for a semi-active radar-homing missile. It is uncertain as to what waveband is used, although Yuri Guskov, chief designer at Phazatron, has stated that the radar operates at "slightly lower than S- band" which corresponds to NATO's D-band. This raises more questions than it answers, since some Western analysts suggest that such a waveband would give a wide beam and inadequate resolution at long range. I- or G-bands are felt by some to be more likely, and Aviation Week stated that the radar operated in the mid l-band (9-9.5 GHz). All signal processing is digital. The radar allows the simultaneous tracking of 10 targets, and the simultaneous engagement of four targets. The aircraft's BTsVM(S) mission computer automatically selects the four most threatening targets for engagement. Radar performance IS Impressive, with a detection range (for a target with 16 m2 (172 sq ft) cross-section) of 200 km (124 miles) and a tracking range of 120km (74 miles). The phased array antenna allows the beam to sweep through 120 degrees in azimuth and from 70 degrees above the nose to 60 degrees below. The Russians claim that this allows the MiG-31 to engage targets spread over a greater area than can its Western equivalent, the F-14, although the Western aircraft call simultaneously engage a greater number of targets Mikoyan claims that the MiG-31 radar is capable of engaging missiles, and have referred to the aircraft as being like a patriot missile which can fly 'repeated missions'. They also claim to be testing the weapons system against 'Stealth' aircraft. The radar also has navigation and situation monitoring functions although navigation is more routinely handled by Marshroot (Soviet equivalent to Omega) and Tropik (Soviet equivalent to LORAN) systems, which give a accuracy of 250 m (820 ft) at a range of 2000 km (1,243 miles). The MiG-31 was designed to operate in those areas where there is no ground-based radar coverage, such as the north, using its sophisticated onboard systems for autonomous operations MiG-31s are most often used in group of four (or even eight), linked together by datalink. Operating together, four MiG-31s can cover a strip of territory 900 km (560 miles) across, and targets can be transferred rapidly from one aircraft to another, with all aircraft sharing the same image on their tactical situation displays. The transmission of target information between aircraft by datalink reduces the vulnerability to hostile jamming, while the radar's, angular tracking circuits are hard to deceive. Information denied by hostile jamming can be recovered using kinematic and triangulation methods. The aircraft is provided with secure digital datalinks to the ground (AK-RLDN) and between aircraft (APD-518). Conformal antennas for these are located respectively in the leading edges of the ventral fins and on the sides of the nose (three per side) and rear fuselage (two). The aircraft's datalinks and powerful radar also allow the MiG-31 to act as a 'mini AWACS' in its own right, directing and controlling other fighters. The lead navigator in a flight of four MiG-31s can even directly steer his wingmen's aircraft, since their autopilots can receive his commands via datalink. Radar is not, however, the MiG-31's only target acquisition and tracking sensor. To provide an emission-free alternative to radar, or to be used in the event of radar failure, the MiG-31 is equipped with a retractable undernose IRST

    MiG-31 Powerplant From Perm The Soloviev D-30F6 was designed at Perm by a team led by Soloviev himself and since 1989 by Yuri Reshetnikov) with development beginning in 1972. The team was formed by two companies, Aviadvigatel and Motorostroitel. Development was finally completed in 1980. The engine is manufactured at Perm's Motorstroitel works, and is claimed to be a derivative of the same D-30 engine that is used to power the Ilyushin Il- 62M and Tupolev Tu-154M. The bypass turbofan gives an excellent specific fuel consumption in the cruise, while the bypass flow around the engine's inner core reduces thermal stresses on the engine. In this context, the 5 kg (11 lb) of 50788D used to give a reflective coating to MiG-25 engine bay heat shields has been dispensed with on the MiG-31. One unique feature of the D-30F6 is the use of small suction relief doors on the moving parts of the engine nozzles to eliminate pulsing in the exhaust gases. The engine consists of seven modules, six of them replaceable. The first is an inlet guide vane module, with the others being the five-stage low pressure compressor, the mixer case, the afterburner, the exhaust nozzle, front and rear gearboxes, and a base module with the 10-stage high pressure compressor and combustion chamber, first stage nozzle vanes, high and low pressure turbines (both two stage) and rear bearing. The engine has a mass flow of 150kg (330 lb) per second and an inlet diameter of 102 cm (40 in). The D-30F6 features an integral heat exchanger using fan bypass air to cool air drawn from the compressor which in turn cools the high- and low-pressure turbines. A turbine overspend protection system is fitted, along with an exhaust temperature limiter. Full authority digital engine controls are fitted, with a data recording system. The new engine was specified for the MiG-31 in order to improve range, since this was the key performance parameter for which an improvement over the MiG-25 was demanded. The new powerplant necessitated some structural modifications, and the opportunity was taken to increase internal fuel capacity to 19700 liters (4,333 Imp gal) (some estimates suggest 20380 liters/4,483 Imp gal). This, together with the lower specific fuel consumption of the D-30F, raised supersonic range to 2135 km (1,327 miles) on internal fuel, or to 3310 km (2,057 miles) at subsonic speeds. Increased weight reduced operational ceiling to 21900 m (71,850 ft).

    MiG-31 Pilot's Viewpoints "For me, with quite an experience level in the MiG-25P/PD, the MiG- 31 seemed a new aircraft. Firstly it was a tandem two seat, the new weapons systems made necessary that a navigator-radar officer should be installed in the rear cockpit The airbrakes were fitted in a new position, between the main landing gear and the air intakes. The main landing gear was substantially modified, each leg being fitted with two wheels ingeniously offset in order to operate effectively from snowed, iced and non-prepared surfaces. Ailerons and flaps occupied the entire wing trailing edge. "Some of the test flights associated with its operational capabilities in which I did participate, comprised missions over the far north of the then Soviet Union, evaluating the new navigation system in an area where important magnetic anomalies take place. Some very long- range missions to the Union's Far East took place (with the aid of air-to- air refuelling); even the North Pole was overflown. Thanks to these and previous tests the MiG-31 incorporated new manoeuvering flaps along the full span of the wing's leading edge, comprising four sections for each half wing. Another novelty was the leading edge extension and as it had lowlevel supersonic capability the wing structure was reinforced with the addition of a third spar. A semi-retractable refuelling probe was fitted on the left side of the nose. "The MiG-31 operational capabilities are intimately associated to its new weapons system which comprise three main elements: a ZBI-16 Zaslon phased array radar (the first and the only so far fitted to a fighter) with excellent lookdown capability; a retractable IRST system fitted under the front fuselage; and a tactical situation display in the rear cockpit The radar's range in acquisition-pursuit in lookdown is 150-200 km in the forward sector and 70-90 for the rear sector. Ten hostile contacts can be tracked at the same time, of which four can be engaged at the same time. The simultaneous pursuit-shooting angle is 70 degrees in azimuth and 60-75 degrees in elevation. As in a fighter of these characteristics, navigation was of paramount importance and redundant systems were fitted, a Tropik LORAN and a Marchroot Omega.

    Всем - Have a nice day!!!!
    А фото... Так просто расслабтесь!
    Миниатюры Миниатюры nedavnoru-ads-89_178.jpg  

  18. #18

    По умолчанию

    Dear Sir

    1. You wrote -
    Что, по новой началось!?
    Так про радар МиГ-31 почитайте...Совсем не 300... моща.. Опять данные разные..., как и источники... Нет в жизни правды!!!!

    Please read Skolnik Radar .

    Active ,full semiconductor Phase array have advantage
    in multiple possibilities of beam configuration,switching,signal filtration ,
    multiple beam search &
    It would not correct to evaluate radar only with " 300 km or
    400 km"

    2. Waveguides were loot visible, but there did appear to be 24 horizontal rows of metallic emitters. Small dipoles spread across the face of the radome are probably for IFF or constant wave illumination for a semi-active radar-homing missile. It is uncertain as to what waveband is used, although Yuri Guskov, chief designer at Phazatron,

    Author disscused with Mr.Gus'kov in last Berlin ILA . This is another way
    as F-22 .
    Exist multiple complex of parametr.

    Author/on he's responsibility only ,exist not warranty that opinion is false/ evaluation ,that f-22 1000+ MMIC GaAs or GaNitrid based Radar more advanced.

    Possibility of very speedy beam commutation
    Possibility of very speedy beam switching
    More broad possibility for signal filtration
    More broad possibility for automatic target recognitiion
    /true and false/

    You can try make cross comparsion of Sat. technology
    Milstar,Milstar-2 ,Fighter radar, S-400 anten and radar

    Most critical and most expensiv /full customized/ are in Milstar-2

    No doubt ,Mr.Gus'kov knew he's job , access to multiple
    high secret information , knowledge of lobby &

    If he decided for this or another principle for 5 generation radar
    he have good arguments /which for broad public are secret/ for this
    kind of decision

    Your respectfully

  19. #19
    Форумчанин Форумчанин

    По умолчанию

    Цитата Сообщение от Холостяк
    Что, по новой началось!?
    Так про радар МиГ-31 почитайте...Совсем не 300... моща.. Опять данные разные..., как и источники... Нет в жизни правды!!!!
    MIG-31 Foxhound Interceptor

    Как же надоели безграмотные люди!

    ЧИТАЙТЕ ПО ГУБАМ: МИГ-31БМ (БМ) с РЛС ЗАслон-М (М) имеет даьность обнаружения цели 320 км.

    Причем тут Миг-31?

  20. #20
    Форумчанин Форумчанин

    По умолчанию

    Цитата Сообщение от milstar
    Dear Sir

    Zaslon in comparsion with F-22 need more time for beam switching
    as F-22 Radar.
    Yes, I wrote. Only Mig-31BM can shoot down the enemy at the distance about 280 km.

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