I see that you write something about NATO looses in 1999...i did
not underestand all you wrote but i want to help with correct information:)
NATO confessed lost of:
1x F-117 (shot down by S-125 Neva)
1x F-16 C (shot down by Neva too)
1x Harier (NAto said engine failure ,Yugoslav army said -shot down by KUB)
2 x AH-64 (NATO said crashed in Albania,rotor failure)
many UAVs (predators,hunters,pioneers,mirach-26,cl-289..)
+ 2 x F-117 wich returned home but repair was canceled
Yugoslav army said all that
34 planes were listed as destroyed or damaged
but we dont have any material proof except some bad videotapes and some smaller parts of aircraft
(like A-10 but that plane landed in Macedonia with one engine)
Georgian anti aircraft defence was much more powerfull than Yugoslavian.They had more modern radars and
S-200 and BUK..dont know about quality of personell.
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